Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Who likes to dance?

Warning: You'll have to tilt your head to the right to watch this.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Rock the Cradle

We took Robert to Rock the Cradle put on by the Current at the MIA and Childrens' Theatre.  It was fun, but we think Robert will enjoy it more in the years to come.
 Feeling up the indoor garden.
 Getting to know the maraca at the instrument petting zoo.
 "Hey there girl in the pink dress, check out this beat!"
 Bubby immersing himself in the art.
 Mom and Minneapolis.
 Dad and a car indoors.
 Brr. Moving from one building to the other.
Grooving at the Kiddie Disco.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Alle meine entlein schwimmen im see

Pat and I took Bubby swimming for the first time.  He loves bath time, so I figured he'd love swimming.  At first I thought I had made a poor assumption.  When I sat him in the cold kiddie pool he squeezed my arm so hard his fingers turned white.  He looked around with intense concentration and concern.  Once we moved over to the big pool (which was much warmer) and started moving around, he literally and figuratively warmed up to the idea of swimming.  He was laughing and kicking.  It was a success!  I can't wait until summer, when we can bring him to the beach.  The warmth.  The sand.  The sunshine.  Please summer, come soon!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Crawling and beyond...

 Robert just started crawling.  Really crawling.  He has been scooting around (backwards) for a little while, but he just started moving forward with all four limbs and with purpose.  He sees something he wants and gets it.  He's also able to pull himself up, with a little help.  He is growing so strong.